Trojan Banner … his colty behaviour has cost him a start in the Redcliffe Derby. PHOTO: Trish Dunell.
Playful Trojan in the dog box after hurting himself - Al pulls him out of Redcliffe
Trojan Banner is out of Saturday night’s A$21,000 Redcliffe Derby after hurting himself in his box.
But the good news is the colt’s injuries are only superficial and trainer Al Barnes expects he will be over the hiccup inside a week so it won’t prevent him from peaking for his two big targets.
Trojan Banner, unbeaten in six starts in Queensland, was to have trialled at Albion Park yesterday but Barnes found he had played up during the night.
Al Barnes has big boxes with a window as seen in this shot with Northview Hustler.Trojan Banner, whose colty behaviour has concerned Barnes in recent weeks, appeared to have reared up shoulder high and struck out, getting a leg over the timber of a high window at the back of his box.
“He took a bit of skin off and there’s a lot of swelling and bruising. I gave him some bute last night to help him as he’s pretty stiff and sore.
“He’s got a bit of a bump on his leg but it’s nothing serious and this will only set us back a few days.’’
Barnes says while his boxes are roomy and secure he will now ensure that doors attached to the windows are closed at night to prevent a repetition of the incident.
While frustrating, Barnes says the Redcliffe Derby wasn’t originally on Trojan Banner’s programme as he had doubts about how he would handle the tight circuit.
And that’s why he had planned to trial the horse yesterday to make sure he would be a least 90% right for the race.
“We would have been vulnerable at Redcliffe anyway as his first big race is not until July 13 - this might have even done us a favour.’’
Trojan Banner’s two main assignments are the Group III A$31,400 South East Derby (2138m) at Albion Park on July 13 and the Group I A$100,660 Queensland Derby (2680m) on July 20.
Trojan Banner’s defection sees Lincoln Farms’ other Redcliffe Derby runner Make Way move in to five on the outside of the front row.
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Our runners this week
Friday night at Auckland
Kevin Kline, What’s Up The Hill, Sugar Ray Lincoln, Lincoln Lou, Debbie Lincoln, Colonel Lincoln, Frisco Bay.
Our runners this week: How our trainers rate them

Ray’s comments
Tuesday twilight at Manawatu
Race 5: Leo Lincoln
“He didn’t go very well in his workout right-handed last Thursday but he was good on Saturday when we trained him left-handed. It’s his first race for three months so he could possibly need it but we’re talking Manawatu opposition.”
Race 7: Onyx Shard
“She’s absolutely a winning chance. She showed that last time when she had to do a fair bit to hold the lead. Fergie is driving her this time and we’re pretty confident she’ll go well. She’s such a well-gaited mare.”
Race 8: Lincoln La Moose
“He dominated them last time from the outside of the gate and, even though he can be in and out, he’ll be hard to beat again. That easier opposition makes a difference when there’s nothing good enough to eye-ball you. “

Nathan’s comments
Thursday night at Manawatu
Race 5: Leo Lincoln
“He was very unlucky on night one. The gap sort of opened up then closed again and I had to take hold. He was still charging to the line and if the gap had come he would have been right there with the winner. If he can step and lead, then slot into the trail, he should be a winning chance.”
Race 6: Onyx Shard
“Ferg said she wasn’t on the bit the whole way on Tuesday, was too relaxed. We’ll take the block blinds off this time and put half blinds on and see if that helps. She had to do a bit of work in the run on Tuesday but it doesn’t seem to have knocked her around. The outside draw makes it harder.”
Race 7: Lincoln La Moose
“He looks our best chance of the night. He’s definitely a different horse down here and he obviously likes it in front. Ferg didn’t pull the plugs the other night and that tells you something. He’s doing everything right, I can’t fault him.”