Race Images - Gallops

Troy Harris salutes as Catalyst careers away with the 2000 Guineas last November.

Guineas races move north in draft set of gallops dates for the new season

The Canterbury Jockey Club is set to lose its two traditional Guineas races at the New Zealand Cup meeting under a draft set of dates released by New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing for the first three and half months of the new season.

The 2000 Guineas has been set down for Te Rapa on November 7 with the 1000 Guineas for fillies at Ellerslie a week later.

NZTR chairman Dr Alan Jackson and CEO Bernard Saundry acknowledge the CJC could be adversely affected by the proposed move but say it would be only for the 2020-21 season. A final decision would be made by the NZTR board in early July when all the draft dates are finalised.

In working up the proposed calendar 55 trainers were contacted, and then deeper discussions held with trainer representatives, the pattern and jumps committees, club administrators and NZTR personnel.

“All those who worked on the calendar have had to step away from tradition, consider the future of the industry, and structure a calendar to fit this new environment.

“It’s a complex piece of work to deliver a cohesive spring calendar which will allow trainers and owners to plan campaigns for their horses.”

The focus for the August through November period has been on allocation of meetings by venue.

“We can’t confirm industry funding or stakes levels until we get more information from RITA on its 20-21 budget. We felt it was important that the industry get some draft racing dates so we can start getting horses ready for racing.

“These are extreme circumstances and it is a difficult time for everyone in racing. Every Club, every venue, every trainer and every owner has been impacted in some significant form.”

Our runners this week

Saturday at Ellerslie

Platinum Attack.