Joanednobettor’s filly foal by Sir Lincoln who was born yesterday at Alabar Stud
Filly’s long legs just what the doctor ordered for Joanednobettor’s first foal
When they saw the long legs on Joanednobettor’s first filly foal born yesterday, Andrew and Joanne Taylor wasted no time in booking a return service to Sir Lincoln.
The loyalty discount means they’ll get their next foal at half price - just $1250 plus GST - and that’s a bargain given all they wanted from the stallion was for him to impart a little more size into their mare’s offspring.
“She’s got mum’s roman nose and her father’s long legs and that won’t go astray,” says Joanne.
Joanednobettor is well known to northern racegoers - she won seven races from John and Josh Dickie’s stable despite being only knee high to a grasshopper.
“Even though she’s small she was never intimidated by other horses,” says Joanne who takes all the credit for naming their pride and joy.
“I woke Andrew up at 2am to tell him what I wanted to call her.”
The name includes two letters from each of Joanne and Andrew’s names plus those of their partners, the late Eddie Davies and his widow Noeline, plus half the name of her sire Bettor’s Delight.
Sadly Eddie, who talked them into going halves on the $10,000 she cost as a weanling, died suddenly a month after her first win.
Joanednobettor went on to win another six races, including the Te Awamutu Grass Cup, a real thrill for the now Hunua-based couple who spent 15 years sharemilking at Te Awamutu.
Andrew Taylor reckons with his experience as a diary farmer it was a sound call to go to Sir Lincoln when the opportunity arose.
“As a dairy farmer you look at different crosses with cows if you want to change something.
“This mare was only a wee thing but she always had a good ticker.
“I always liked Sir Lincoln as a racehorse, I followed him over the years, and thought why not give him a go as a new stallion.”
Joanednobettor is the first standardbred mare the couple has bred from but they’ve enjoyed previous luck in the ownership ranks with small shares in speedy trotters Flying Isa (17 wins) and Neville Vaughan (10 wins).
“We’ve had a few duds as well,” says Joanne, “but they were the ones Andrew picked!”
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Sir Lincoln Top 10
Did you know…
1. CUP DAY BIRTH: It was preordained Sir Lincoln would be a headliner when he was born just hours before the 2006 New Zealand Trotting Cup at Addington. Three years later to the day, and almost the hour, he annihilated his rivals on the same course in the Sires’ Stakes Final.
2. AGE NO BARRIER: In his second last race start, at the age of six, Sir Lincoln paced the fastest 1700 metres in New Zealand history, 2:00.5, beating Gold Ace and clocking a mile rate of 1:54 at Alexandra Park. Champion pacer Elsu held the previous record at 2:01.1.
3. ON THREE LEGS: Sir Lincoln ran his last race virtually on three legs, when second to Terror To Love in an Interdominion heat at Auckland. He had to be pulled out of the Melbourne series, and retired, when found to have a subluxated pastern joint - basically his ankle joint was dislocated.
4. SWIFT GOLDEN MILE: Sir Lincoln’s fastest mile was recorded in the 2012 Group III Golden Mile at Menangle in Sydney when he was nosed out by Captain Joy in 1:51.4. He was known by the name Lincoln Royal in Australia.
5. AT THE REINS: One for the trivia fans - how many drivers did Sir Lincoln have in his 57-start career? Maurice McKendry was Linc’s pilot throughout his career but he was MIA four times when the horse was handled by James Stormont, Ken Barron and Blake Fitzpatrick (twice).
6. WINNERS KEEP COMING: In only his third season with runners on the track, Sir Lincoln has already sired the winners of 30 races despite having limited numbers to represent him. Last season in New Zealand alone he had 16 winners from only 39 starters and this term he already has six winners from just 18 starters.
7. SOMEBEACH SOME RAP: Breeding buffs made a beeline for Sir Lincoln after superstar racehorse and stallion Somebeachsomewhere had to be put down with cancer. Sir Lincoln is 7/8th bred on the same cross as Somebeachsomewhere - by Mach Three out of a Beach Towel mare who is in turn out of a Cam Fella mare.
8. DISCOUNT FOR LOYALTY: Broodmare owners are returning to Sir Lincoln in droves. Taken by the attractive foals he is leaving, many book straight back to the Alabar-based sire and take advantage of Lincoln Farms’ loyalty scheme which cuts his service fee in half to just $1250 plus GST.
9. TIME BEST FRIEND: Sir Lincoln’s progeny are mirroring the sire’s own start on the racetrack, benefitting from a little time to mature. The best the horse himself could manage as a two-year-old was one third from four starts but he was a different animal at three, winning four of his first five starts.
10. MEGASTAR’S FREAK DEATH: A freak accident claimed the life of valuable broodmare Lincoln’s Megastar, a full sister to Sir Lincoln. The mare, who opened her career with a nine and a half length walloping at Auckland, was retired after six wins, but left only one foal. She was killed when crushed by a fallen tree in a violent storm. Woodlands Stud has another full sister in two-year-old Moonlighting who is in training with Ray Green.