
Chicago Bull and Gary Hall junior in one of the best of their 40 wins.

Chicago Bull shock withdrawal from New Zealand Cup after freak accident

Perth pacer Chicago Bull is out of the New Zealand Trotting Cup after a freak accident and he will be sidelined for at least four months.

Gary Hall junior told Chicago Bull has fractured bones in his wither and will have to be boxed for at least two months.

Hall is still coming to terms with the terrible diagnosis, made only an hour ago after X-rays at a Cambridge veterinary clinic revealed the damage.

The horse was undergoing routine treatment with fluids and electrolytes after his stunning win at Alexandra Park last Friday night when he had an anaphylactic reaction.

“He panicked and went flying back, flipped and landed on his wither. He’s had the treatment heaps of times and my vet back home says it’s just a one-in-a-million chance.

“He was in a bad way for an hour but then started walking and things looked all good.

‘‘I even jogged him on Sunday and Monday and everything seemed all right.

‘‘But when I checked him in the afternoons he wasn’t great. He looked uncomfortable walking.

“Even then we thought it was not that bad, just muscle soreness and stiffness.

“But when we treated him with anti-inflammatories and he didn’t get any better we decided to take him for X-rays today.

“We still didn’t have any real concerns but the X-rays showed he’s fractured all six bones in his wither. The long term prognosis is pretty good though and they say he should make a full recovery.

“They reckon he’ll get over it in four months but he’ll have to be boxed for the first half of that.

“It’s just one of those things. I’ve been in this game long enough to know it’s not the first time something like this has happened.

“We’re still not home from the vet yet and I feel like I just want to go to bed and try to put it out of my mind.’’

Hall says it’s particularly hard to take being so far from home in Western Australia.

It was too soon to even think about when he might be able to transport Chicago Bull home but he would need time to recover here first.

TAB bookmakers reacted immediately promoting Ultimate Machete to $3.60 favourite for the November 13 feature with Australian Tiger Tara second fancy at $3.90.

Our runners this week

Friday night at Auckland

Whats Up The Hill, Rivergirl Bella, Lincoln Linda, Angelic Copy, Lincoln Lover, Prince Lincoln, Debbie Lincoln (scr), Frisco Bay.

Dan Costello Race Photography